Older Versions:

Version 1 - https://jvm3.itch.io/joseph-muszynski-it201-project-1

Version 2 - https://jvm3.itch.io/joseph-muszynski-it201-451-project-2

Version 3 - https://jvm3.itch.io/it201-451-project-3

Fixes - 

1 - Messy UI

Before - Text was clumped into the same text objects, and some of the text went off the screen. Some buttons were misaligned.

After - All text is fully visible and is separated into different sections. 

Fix - The name/section and instructions were given separate text objects, and positioned to ensure they would all be fully visible. The UI elements’ positions were changed to be in line with each other.

2 - Color Change Not Working Properly - fixed in project 2

Before - When changing to a different shape, the color of the new shape would still be the default color (red). Additionally, all objects of one shape would be changed to the same color whenever the color was changed.

After - Changing the color no longer changes all objects of the same shape to the selected color. Additionally, changing shapes will keep the selected color after the new shape is selected.

Fix - Instead of setting an object’s material color with a method, it was changed in the Update method to be done before the object was instantiated. Additionally, the color would be changed based on an array of materials rather than using a method to change the material color.

3 - Changes to the Clear Button

Before - The clear button would only remove objects and the one prefab if it was on screen - and reset the objects’ counter text.

After - The clear button effectively resets the scene - it clears all objects and prefabs, resets the objects’ counter and its text, moves the camera back to its starting position, and changes the background back to its original color.

Fix - Methods were added to the script to handle moving the camera and changing the background color. 

4 - Changes to Spawning Prefabs

Before - Only one prefab could be onscreen at a time.

After - As many prefabs as the user wants can be on the screen at a time. On-screen prefabs will count toward the total of objects on the screen.

Fix - An object set to be the parent of any on-screen prefab was destroyed any time a new one was created - the parent will no longer be destroyed unless the whole scene is cleared.

The object counter is incremented when a prefab is spawned.